
Posted by Angelia on November 20, 2012

缺陷例子(an example of bug):iPhone的相册中分享一张照片到新浪微博上,由于网络链接断掉微博发送失败,但原来写的微博文字部分内容却没保存。

1. 缺陷标题 (Summary)
2. 缺陷简单描述(description)
3. 缺陷重现步骤(duplicate procedure)
4. 缺陷类型 (defect type)
5. 软件版本信息 (version)
6. 优先级 (priority)
7. 严重级别 (severity)
8. 缺陷频率 (frequency)
9. 测试环境:如软件语言,操作系统等等
10. 缺陷提交者以及缺陷修改者等
11. 其它注解(comments)
12. 辅助信息(附件贴图,log信息等等)

在提交defect的时候最重要的元素包括 ####1. 缺陷标题 (Summary) Summary, 在缺陷库中第一眼看到的是缺陷的标题,所以这个summary就要非常简洁明了而且能做到其他项目组成员可以不用看其它各种环境信息就知道这是什么缺陷。 ####2. 缺陷简单描述(description) Description,有时候可以和summary相同,目的就是可以让其他项目组成员尤其是测试人员可以在不看到procedure的时候可以重现bug,描述的清楚的好处就是后面verify缺陷的时候,测试人员可以展开做测试,而不仅仅局限当前步骤。 ####3. 缺陷重现步骤(duplicate procedure) Procedure,这个就是上篇博文里写到的,这个记录尤其对一些sometimes,once的缺陷尤为重要,开发人员可以从步骤中所牵涉到的功能操作等分析问题所在。


Summary:After failed to share photo from iPhone’s Photo Album to sina weibo, the text content already entered will be lost.
Description: While iPhone’s network(both Wi-Fi and 3G) is disconnected, try to share photo from photo album to Sina weibo, enter some texts and confirmed, which will be failed. the text content already entered will be lost.
Procedure: Make sure iPhone’s network is disconnected, including both Wi-Fi and 3G.
a, Enter “Photos” of iPhone built-in application-> select any a photo->Share
b, select Weibo
c, enter some texts and press “Send”.
d, An error message will be prompted to tell users that cannot Send weibo, user could only press OK to exit the dialog.
[Defect] the texts already entered is lost.
[note1] it’s not good experience for user that user could not find what they have entered.
[note2] I also checked in Settings of iPhone and Weibo iPhone client app, which also didn’t save the failed weibo.
Environment: iPhone 4S(US) , iOS 6.0 beta.



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